Proof of identity requirements
Tax Practitioners Board have released Practice Note PN5/2022 Proof of identity Requirement for Clients Verification. It recommends...

We have moved
We have relocated our office to Fairfield. You can find our new office at Shop E4, Outside Fairfield Forum Shopping Centre 8-36 Station...

How a Financial Adviser can help in the lead up to retirement
The best time to start saving for retirement is today, it doesn't matter how old you are. The sooner you start and the younger you are...

Changes in tax rates for backpackers
From 1 January 2017, income earned by backpackers will be taxed as follows: Previously, non-residents were taxed as follows:

ATO to Expand Use of SMS & Emails Notificiation
The Australian Taxation Office will send an email or SMS to individuals who will receive their first Division 293 tax assessment or, who...

The SuperStream compliance flexibility period has ended.
SuperStream is the way businesses must pay employee superannuation guarantee contributions to super funds. With SuperStream money and...

Westpac's BT Financial Group admits it knocked back 1-in-3 TPD claims
After a lot of arm twisting, Westpac's life insurance arm has been outed as the insurer declining one-in-three total and permanent...

Five Weeks to go until SuperStream for small business
SuperStream is a standard for processing superannuation data and payments electronically. It must be used by: - employers - self-managed...

Superannuation Contribution for Minors
If your business is employing a junior (under 18) then you are required to make super contributions for the junior employee if the...

Tax Losses Carry Back
UPDATE: Tax loses carry back legislation was repealed on 5 September 2014 with retrospective effect from 1 July 2013. This means that...